The term zeitgeist literally means the ‘spirit of the
times’. Fashion is a component of popular culture
and, in accordance with the principles of the zeitgeist,
often reflects current political and cultural
It is subject to external forces that might
include dominant events, ideas, attitudes, social
groups and technologies.
“Fashion is an art and aesthetics, ethics , personal
and social identity, visibility and recognition,
freedom and oppression and the intersection
between our bodies, our bodies and science
and technology.”(2)
Fashion shows your perspective towards life in
which way you feel, that you could match up with
trend, keeping yourself up. There are no rules. It
doesn’t have to be loud. Doesn’t have to be dull. Its just
you, suiting the time and the very moment.
Also read: CLOTHING
(1) Fashion Design: The Complete Guide Author: Hopkins, John (2012)
(2) Fashion-Philosophy for Everyone. By Wolfendale, Jessica Kennett, Jeanette (2011)
Fashion Journal | Yash Suhag | March 2021
Bachelors in Textile Design | NIFT