HomeStays – The New Trend in India
Sanskrit phrase ‘Athithi Devo Bhava – meaning ‘The Guest is God’. Backed by this heritage of India HomeStays today become a viable option for tourist and home owners.
Sanskrit phrase ‘Athithi Devo Bhava – meaning ‘The Guest is God’. Backed by this heritage of India HomeStays today become a viable option for tourist and home owners.
The term zeitgeist literally means the ‘spirit of thetimes’. Fashion is a component of popular cultureand, in accordance with the principles of the zeitgeist,often reflects current political and culturaleffects. It is subject to external forces that mightinclude dominant events, ideas, attitudes, socialgroups and technologies. “Fashion is an art and aesthetics, ethics , personaland social identity, … Read more
Clothing is a fiber or textile which is usually worn on the body. It dependent on physical status, gender, as well as social and geographic preferences.
— by Anushka Dutta, 1st March 2021I have been an animal lover since my childhood but never had the privilege of keeping a dog at home because my family wasn’t ready to bear the responsibility required . We finally bought a golden retriever when I turned 15. I had no idea about the breeding industry … Read more